Many of the significant advances being made and demonstrated in the area of C/AVs have been driven by Robotics researchers. Correspondingly, a lot of development has happened using ROS as the messaging mechanism, and there are a large number of libraries to support various AV functions that is compatible with ROS. Therefore would be very useful to be able to integrate ROS-based functionality with traditional functionality that is used within the automotive industry (for example, basic powertrain controls). In particular, ROS is not designed to be a real-time environment, while typical powertrain controllers are based on a Real Time Operating System (RTOS).
We would like to explore architectures and implementation methodologies that would result in efficient integration of ROS and traditional RTOS based control algorithms.
Research Objectives, and anticipated Benefits
ROS is based on a publish/subscribe messaging methodology, that does not have explicit considerations for data consistency and time synchronization on the messages. Ad-hoc methods are utilized by individual researchers to ensure data consistency and time synchronization. In this project we would like to explore methods that would make the messaging that ensure data consistency and time synchronization in a systematic way. In particular, we intend exploring the use of ROS 2.0, the emergent version of ROS that has explicit consideration for data consistency and synchronization through the use of Data Discovery Service (DDS).
Some of the specific goals of research under this topic would include (but not be limited to):
- To develop an integrated middleware platform that incorporates ROS (the current version, or informally ROS 1.0) and an RTOS, and enables implementation of the Safe-Core Architecture (developed in a related project).
- To explore the next generation integrated middleware platform that incorporates ROS 2.0 and an RTOS, and enables implementation of the Safe-Core Architecture that automatically and systematically provides the capabilities for Data Consistency and Synchronization
Research Results
As part of the VAVS-TDP development, we have already started developing a Safe-Core architecture, as well as have done preliminary investigations trying to connect ROS1.0 with a Simulink based controller. We will build on this development for this project.
Project Status
Just starting.
TDP Alignment:
We expect that this work will be cross-cutting and be aligned with all major TDPs
Research Themes Alignment:
- Dr. Swami Gopalswamy
- Dr. Srikanth Saripalli