Our research is anchored by Technology Demonstrator Platforms, and steered by our Vision to advance research and knowledge generation in the area of safety technologies, methods, and processes for the autonomous vehicle landscape comprising the full eco-system of manually driven, semi-autonomous and autonomous vehicles and mixed-traffic consisting of cars, trucks, two-wheelers and pedestrians, connected between each other and with the infrastructure.
Our specific goal is to accelerate the achievement of all the promised societal and economic benefits of autonomous mobility.
Our major research themes are as below:
- Dynamics and Control
- Nonlinear Control
- Model Predictive Control
- Optimization
- Perception and Localization
- Sensor Fusion
- Vision Based
- Decision Making
- Long Time Horizon
- Short Time Horizon
- Modeling and Simulation
- Cyber Physical System Modeling
- Large Scale System Simulation
- Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
- Model Based Systems Engineering
- Development Processes
- Requirements Driven Verification
- Architecture Driven Development
- Verification and Validation
- Multi-objective Design and Control Optimization
- Standards (ISO 26262, …)
- Development Processes
- Connectedness
- Standards and Protocols
- Sensors
- Safety
- Characterization and Metrics
- Fault Tolerant, Fail Safe Design approaches
- Safe Architecture
- Safety, Fault-Tree Analysis
- Embedded Software
- Static Code Analysis
- Correct-by-Construction
- Human Machine Interactivity
- Driver Behavior characterization and Analysis
- Driver / Autonomous Vehicle – Pedestrian Communication
- Passenger – Autonomous Vehicle Interaction